Support the JCC

Support the JCC

Other Ways to Give

Corporate Sponsorships

Click here to view our Corporate Sponsorship Program.

Become a Monthly Donor

Monthly donations provide reliable support for continued childcare, education, inclusion and a variety of much needed programs for our community.

Tributes & Memorial Gifts

Gifts in tribute to or in memory of friends, colleagues, and loved ones are a special way to honor their commitment to our community. To make a tribute gift, please call: 518-438-6651 extension 104

A Gift in Your Will

The  Sidney Albert Jewish Community Center is a partner in the Life & Legacy Program of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, coordinated by the Jewish Federation of Northeastern New York. Life & Legacy assures Jewish tomorrows with training and incentives to build endowments for Jewish organizations, ensuring a bright and sustainable future for our community.  

As a member of the Sidney Albert Albany Jewish Community Center you support our community in a variety of ways, but have you thought to include us in your will or estate plan? By leaving a legacy, you can assure that the connection you feel for the Albany JCC will exist for future generations.  

A Gift of Securities

Donating appreciated stocks, mutual funds or stock options means you pay no tax on the capital gains and receive a tax receipt for the fair market value of the securities. This alternative to making a cash donation gives you the opportunity to see your gift put to use today. Click here for instructions.

Matching Gifts

Many businesses and organizations support the charitable efforts of their employees and members by matching their philanthropic gifts. Check with your human resources department to determine whether your workplace offers matching of gifts.

The Sidney Albert Albany JCC (SAAJCC) is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization. 
Your donation is tax-deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law.
Tax ID number is 14-1364462

Please contact the Development Officer, Joslyn McArdle at: or 518-438-6651 ext 104