Train Smarter
The Albany JCC offers personal training to people of all ages, exercise backgrounds, and physical abilities in a warm and friendly environment. Our expert team of dedicated and certified trainers will help you gain the knowledge, motivation, and confidence you need to achieve your fitness goals. Buddy training and small-group training are also available as a more affordable option for those who would enjoy peer support while benefiting from the expertise of our certified trainers.
Your Personal Training Options

Private Training
Personal Training programs offer motivation and direction. Treat yourself to one-on-one workouts with our qualified personal trainers. A personalized fitness program will be tailored to your health and fitness status.

Buddy Training (2 People)
Do you hate working out alone? Then Buddy Training is for you. These sessions offer a cost-effective option for clients who wish to train with a friend. Buddy Training can also help to generate that competitive spirit which fuels motivation.

Group Training (3 or more people)
If you are looking for the comfort and convenience of training with your family or friends at a time that suits you, then you may wish to set up your own group training sessions. Small group training offers you a chance to interface with a personal trainer at a very affordable price. The number of participants is limited, and the purpose of the training is specific to the group participant's goals. Group personal training is a smart and affordable way to achieve the results you want.