The Sidney Albert Albany Jewish Community Center will present its 25th Annual Pillars of the Community Awards on Thursday, May 15, 2025. This prestigious community award recognizes individuals who have made exceptional contributions to the Sidney Albert Albany Jewish Community Center and/or the Jewish Community at-large through education, services and acts of kindness.
Thursday, May 15, 2025
Albany Jewish Community Center
5:30 pm to 8:30 pm

Mr. Hank Greenberg
Pillars of the Community Award
Hank Greenberg is an experienced trial and appellate lawyer and past President of the New York State Bar Association. A former Counsel to the New York State Attorney General, General Counsel to a major New York State agency and federal prosecutor, Hank has handled numerous high-profile matters over the course of his three-decade career. Read more...

Dr. Larry and Ellen Kotlow
Pillars of the Community Award
Ellen and Larry Kotlow are both native Albanians. Ellen was born in May of 1948 and Larry August of 1947. Both Ellen and Larry’s parents were also born in Albany. Ellen’s maiden name was Rosenthal. Ellen graduated from Albany High School in 1966, completed her Bachelor of Science Degree in elementary education at Boston University in 1970 and received her master’s degree in special education from Buffalo State College in 1971. Read more...

Dr. Gavin and Karen Setzen
Pillars of the Community Award
Natives of Johannesburg, South Africa, Karen and Gavin Setzen immigrated to the United States in 1989 and settled in the Albany area in 1992. Since then, they have become deeply engaged in their community while raising their two sons, Lee and Sean. Read more...
Neil Jane William Estelle Golub Family Foundation Inc.
Inaugural Corporate Pillar Honoree

Ya'ir Sasson
Applebaum Award
Ya’ir Sasson is a 17-year-old Albany High School senior who plans to attend Boston University in the fall to study electrical engineering. Ya’ir is the son of Laurie Cohn Sasson and Idan Sasson. He was the first Jewish baby of the year in 5768 (2007). He has a long history with Albany JCC, attending the Early Childhood Center where he learned to swim. Read more....

Mira Ginsburg
Bellin Award
Mira is a passionate high school senior at Shaker High School, dedicated to promoting inclusion and leadership within her community. As a leader in the Special Olympics, she founded Include the Blue, an inclusion club at her school that fosters awareness and acceptance for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Read more...

Chris Cohn
Susan Shpeen Award
Chris Cohn is the Director of Early Childhood at the Albany Jewish Community Center. Chris stepped into the director’s role in June of 2021. Chris studied at the College of St. Rose for her Bachelor of Education and her Master of Special Education. Read more...
2025 Sponsors