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Using Kraft Paper for Your Botanical Drawings
- Price: $20.00
The quality and type of paper one uses for colored pencils sets the tone of your artwork. Using a different type of paper called Kraft Paper, gives a lovely contrast to the lights and darks of your piece. In this class participants will play and experiment with darks, lights and midtones on this paper. By the end of class, they will have created a lovely Botanical on this unique paper!
Materials Needed: HB, 2H , H graphic pencil, Kneaded Eraser, PVC White Eraser, Ruler, Stylus (originally used for stamping and creating mandalas), Drawing Board or a Smooth Hard Surface, A pad of Stonehenge Kraft Paper - 9x12 (available at Arlene’s), 24 count or more set of Colored Pencils
Cost: $20 JCC Member/$22 Program Guest plus materials.
Start Date & Time
End Date & Time